Does the Woman attend the Funeral Prayer?
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Does the Woman attend the Funeral Prayer?

Question :

It has been noticed that the woman does not attend the funeral prayer, so the question to the noble Shaykh is, is this prohibited?


The prayer over the deceased is legislated for the men and the women. This is due to the Prophet's statement:

"Whoever prays over the deceased, he will receive a Qirat, and whoever follows the deceased until he is buried, he will receive two Qirats." It was said: "O Messenger of Allah, what are two Qirats?" He said, "Like two huge mountains (meaning in reward)."

This Hadith's authenticity is agreed upon. However, it is not allowed for the women to follow the funeral processions to the graveyard, because they have been prohibited from that. This is due to what has been confirmed in the Two Sahihs (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) from Umm 'Atiyyah, who said:
"We (the women) were prohibited from following the funeral processions, but it was not strictly enforced on us."

However, concerning the prayer over the deceased, the woman has not been prohibited from that. It makes no difference whether the prayer over the deceased is performed in the Masjid or in the home or at a designated prayer area. The women used to pray over the deceased in the Prophet's Masjid along with the Prophet and after him (ie., his death). Concerning visiting the graves, this is something specifically for the men, just like following the funeral processions to the graveyard. This is because the Messenger cursed those women who visited the graves. The wisdom in that - and Allâh knows best is what is feared from their following the funeral processions to the graveyards and their visiting the graves of Fitnah (trials, temptations) from them and upon them. This is also due to the Prophet's statement:

"I did not leave any Fitnah (trial, temptation) after me more harmful upon the men than the women."

This Hadith's authenticity is agreed upon, and success is from Allah.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 64-65

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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