Delaying making up for the Fast of Ramadhan to the next Ramadhan

Delaying making up for the Fast of Ramadhan to the next Ramadhan

Question :

What is the ruling of the Islamic law concerning a man who delays making up for the fast of Ramadhan until after another Ramadhan due to an excuse, and another man who delayed it without an excuse?


Whoever delays it with a legislated excuse, like illness and similar things, there is no sin on him. This is due to Allâh's Statement:
"And whoever is ill or on a journey, then (he may make up for his fast from) a number of other days."

And His Statement:
"So fear Allah as much as you are able."

Concerning the person who delayed this (making up for the fast past the next Ramadhan) without an excuse, then he has disobeyed his Lord, and he must repent from that along with making up for the fast and feeding a poor person for each day. The amount of food that he must give is half a Sa' of the food of the land, such as rice or other than it. Its amount by weight is approximately 1/2 kg. He gives this to some of the poor people, even if it is one person, before the fast or after it. And Allah is the Giver of success.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 308-309

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