Celebrating the Naming of a Newborn
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Celebrating the Naming of a Newborn

Question :

Is it permissible to gather loved ones, neighbors, and friends for the naming of a newborn, or is such a celebration an innovation or a disbelief? Celebrating the naming of a baby is not from the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, nor did it occur during the time of his Companions. If people do it as if it is an Islamic practice, then they have introduced something foreign into the religion, something that does not belong to it. It is an innovation that is rejected, based on the following Hadith:
"Whoever introduces something into our religion that is not from it, then it is rejected."

However, it is not a disbelief. If people do it merely to express their joy and happiness or to eat food from the 'Aqiqah, and not acting as if they are doing a Sunnah, then there is no harm. There is proof from the Sunnah that indicates that the slaughter and naming of the newborn should take place on the seventh day.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 339-340

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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