Someone Who Dies Fighting the Spread of Drugs is a Martyr
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Someone Who Dies Fighting the Spread of Drugs is a Martyr

Question :

There is no doubt that the Office of Drug Enforcementstruggles to stop the means by which the poison of drugsenters this pure country. Despite continued attempts by drugtraffickers, by the help of Allâh and the efforts of the drugprevention officers, the attempts of the drug traffickers fail atevery turn. My question to you, O honored Shaykh, is: If anofficer is killed in a raid on a group of traffickers, is he amartyr? And what about those who help those officers to findthe hideouts of traffickers? What is their reward?


Without a doubt, fighting intoxicant and drug traffic isone of the greatest forms of Jihad in the way of Allâh.Individual in the society helping in its prevention is one of themost important obligations because it is for the benefit of thesociety and because its spread and proliferation is detrimental tosociety. Therefore if someone is killed in its prevention, and if ahis intention was good, he died a martyr. And whosoever helpsto stop these traffickers and informs the authorities about themthen he will be rewarded for that as one who struggles in the wayof the truth, and in the cause of benefit for the Muslims, andprotecting their society from harm.

So we ask Allâh to guide those drug dealers and to protect themfrom the evil of their own selves as well as from the plots ofShaytan. We also ask Allâh Almighty to help the agencies thatfight the spread of drugs and to make them victorious over theparty of Shaytan. And He is the Best to ask.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Page 26

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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