What One Should do after Dreaming of Something he Dislikes

What One Should do after Dreaming of Something he Dislikes

Question :

I had an uncle who used to hate me and couldn't stand me when he was alive; he also used to hit me. Nowadays, I see him in very disquieting dreams: he is running after my daughter and I, but he is not able to catch up as I escape from him. Please tell me something that will comfort me.


This dream, and others like it that are hateful and scary, are from the Shaytan. A Muslim, who sees this kind of vision, should spit toward the left three times and then he should seek refuge in Allah three times from the Shaytan and from the evil that he saw.

Next, he should turn on his other side thus the vision will not harm him. He should also not tell anybody about this dream, for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said in an authentic Hadith :
"A good dream is from Allah; a (bad) dream is from the Shaytan. If one of you sees something he hates, he should spit three times to his left, he should seek refuge in Allah three times from the Shaytan and from the evil that he saw, and then he should turn over to his other side. Then it will not harm him, and he should not tell anybody about it. If he sees something he loves, he should praise Allah and inform somebody he loves about it."

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 129-130

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