There is no Harm in Supplicating Without Purification

There is no Harm in Supplicating Without Purification

Question :

Sometimes when I wake up at two o'clock at night, I supplicate to Allâh Almighty silently, but I do so without making ablution; neither do I pray voluntary prayers at that time. Is this permissible, or is it compulsory for me to perform ablution and prayer as well?


There is no harm in supplicating without having ablution, as well as when one is in a state of sexual impurity. Purity is not a condition for invoking Allah Almighty. This is from Allah's mercy because every person is in need of making supplication at all times.

Nevertheless, you are more likely to have your supplications answered if you are in a state of purity and if you pray, especially when you are prostrating.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
"The servant is closest to his Lord when he is prostrating, so supplicate more frequently therein."

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Page 280

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