The Sin is Upon the Earner, Not Upon the One Who Eats it

The Sin is Upon the Earner, Not Upon the One Who Eats it

Question :

I am an assistant in a store and our neighbor sends food for us, but it is well known that he works in a place where bribery is common; is this food permissible for us, or forbidden?


It is prescribed (for us) to be cautious about eating something that is forbidden, when it is earned by someone in an impermissible way, or from a source about which there is doubt. Although, the sin is upon the one who earned it, not on the one who eats it. It might be permissible for you to eat from the food of this neighbor who takes bribes, and it is Allah Who will call him to account and recompense him for his deeds.

As for the one who eats it, he has not committed any sin. The Prophetate from the food of the Jew and he accepted the sheep which was given to him at Khaibar by the Jewess, although the Jews consume usury and utilize bribery. In spite of this, it is better to leave it and distance oneself from collaboration with the sinners, or expressing approval of what they do.

And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Page 354

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