The ruling on leaving off spending the Night at Muzdalifah due to overcrowding

The ruling on leaving off spending the Night at Muzdalifah due to overcrowding

Question :

During these days we see that when the people depart from Arafat to Muzdalifah there is severe crowding, such that when the Hajj pilgrim reaches Muzdalifah, he cannot spend the night there due to the severe crowding. He finds difficulty in that. So, is it permissible to leave off spending the night at Muzdalifah and is there any sin on the Hajj pilgrim if he leaves off spending the night there? Also, does it suffice him to offer the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers instead of standing (for devotional supplications) and spending the night' at Muzdalifah? This is by the Hajj pilgrim praying the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers at Muzdalifah and then immediately setting out to Mina. Is it correct to do the standing in this manner? We would like clarification concerning that along with mentioning the evidence.


Spending the night at Muzdalifah is from the obligations of Hajj. This is in following the Prophet, as he spent the night there and offered the Fajr prayer there. Then he stayed there until it became very clear outside and he said:
"Take your Hajj rites from me."

The Hajj pilgrim is not considered to have performed this obligation if he offered the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers together there and then left. This is because the Prophet only permitted the weak people to leave at the end of the night. If the person does not spend the night at Muzdalifah, he must slaughter an animal to make up for his leaving off the obligation. The difference of opinion among the people of knowledge concerning spending the night at Muzdalifah being a pillar or an obligation or a Sunnah is famous and well-known. However, the most correct view among the three opinions is that it is an obligation. Whoever leaves it off must sacrifice an animal and his Hajj will be correct. This is the opinion of most of the people of knowledge, and it is only allowed for the weak people to leave off spending the night by leaving during the second half of the night. In reference to those who are strong, who do not have weak people with them, then the Sunnah for them is to remain at Muzdalifah until they pray the Fajr prayer there, remember- ing Allâh and supplicating to him until the sky becomes bright. Then, they leave before sunrise, following the practice of the Messenger of Allâh. Whoever does not reach Muzdalifah until the second half of the night from the weak people, it is sufficient for him to stay there for some time and then leave, taking the granted permission. And Allâh is the Giver of success.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 222-223

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