The Ruling on Friday Prayer for One Who is considered a Traveller

The Ruling on Friday Prayer for One Who is considered a Traveller

Question :

Are we obliged to offer the Friday prayer in Spain, bearing in mind that there is no mosque there and that we came to this country to study?


The scholars have written that it is not obligatory for you nor those like you to perform the Friday prayer; indeed it is questionable whether it would be correct if you offered it.

You are only required to perform the Zuhr prayer, because you are similar to travellers and those who live in the desert, and the Friday prayer is only incumbent upon residents. The proof for this is that the Prophet did not order travellers or those who live in the desert to offer it, and he did not do it when he was travelling - peace and blessings of Allah be upon him - nor did his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them.

It has been confirmed in the authentic Hadiths that in his Farewell Pilgrimage, the Prophet offered the Zuhr prayer in 'Arafat on Friday and he did not perform the Friday prayer, nor did he order the pilgrims to do so, because they were classified as travellers. I know of no difference of opinion among the scholars of Islam on this question - all praise and thanks be to Allah, except some very rare exceptions among some of the Tabi'in, which may not be depended upon.

However, if some people from among the permanent residents of the country are found who are performing the Friday prayer, then it is prescribed for you and those like you among the temporary residents of the country who are there for study or business or the like to pray with them, in order to get the reward of the Friday prayer.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 463-464

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