The ruling on delaying making up for the Fast without an Excuse

The ruling on delaying making up for the Fast without an Excuse

Question :

I was stricken with a severe illness approximately five years ago and that occurred during the blessed month of Ramadhan. Thus, I was unable to fast that month, and until this date I have not fasted it. So, is it permissible for me now to make up for what I missed and is there any sin on me for that? Please benefit me with an answer, and may Allâh reward you and protect you.


You must repent to Allâh for this tremendous delay. It was obligatory on you to fast the days that you did not fast before the coming of the Ramadhan of the year following the one you did not fast. Along with repenting to Allâh, you must feed a poor person half a Sa' of the food of the land for each day, such as dried dates or rice or other than them. Half a Sa' is equal in amount to approximately 1/2 kg. It should all be given to some of the poor people, even if it is given to just one poor person.

We ask Allâh to accept your repentance and to pardon you and us. Verily, He is the Best Who is asked.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 310-311

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