The Ruling on Animals Slaughtered by Polytheists Who Claim Allegiance to Islam

The Ruling on Animals Slaughtered by Polytheists Who Claim Allegiance to Islam

Question :

What is the ruling on slaughtered animals sold in the market from countries whose people are not free from Shirk, but who claim to be Muslims, due to the influence of ignorance and innovative paths, like At-Tijaniyyah?


If the matter is as stated in the question, that the slaughterer claims allegiance to Islam, but it is known of him that he belongs to a group who permit seeking help from other than Allah, in matters which none can help except Allah, and they seek help from the dead Prophets and those whom they consider Awliya (friends and helpers of Allah) for example, then his slaughter is the same as that of the polytheists and the idolaters, the worshippers of Al-at, Al-'Uzza, Manat, Wadd, Suwa', Yaghuth, Ya'uq and Nasr.

It is not permissible for the true Muslim to eat it because it is dead meat. In fact, his (i.e. the one who seeks help from other than Allah) situation is the same as their situation, because he is an apostate from the Islam to which he claims adherence, due to him turning to other than Allah in matters in which none can do but Allah, such as guiding those who are astray, curing the sick and other things in which the effects are attributed to what lies behind the physical causes, such as the secrets of the dead and their blessings, and those who fall under the same ruling as the dead, such as the absent whom the ignorant call upon, due to their belief that in them there is some blessing and that they possess some special powers or attributes which allow them to hear the supplication of those who seek their help in removing something harmful from them or bringing some benefit to them. This is the case even if the one who supplicates is in the farthest point cast and the object of his supplication is in the farthest point west.

And it is an obligation upon those from Ahl As-Sunnah who live in their countries to advise them and to guide them to pure belief in the pure Tawhid; and if they respond, then all praise and thanks be to Allah. And if they do not respond after the evidence has been made clear to them, then there is no excuse for them.

However, if the situation of the slaughterer is unknown, but the majority of those who claim allegiance to Islam in his country are those who seek help from the dead and submit themselves to them, then it is ruled that his slaughter is considered as that of the majority and it is not permissible to eat it.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Pages 257-258

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