The menstruating Women and the Women with postnatal bleeding are not required to perform Tawaful-Wada

The menstruating Women and the Women with postnatal bleeding are not required to perform Tawaful-Wada

Question :

Are the menstruating women, the women with post- natal bleeding, the person who is unable and the sick person all required to perform Tawaful-Wada"? This is while knowing that when this happened in Mina, I asked about it, but the scholars did not agree. Some of them said that they are not required to perform Tawaful-Wada" and some of them said that they are required to perform Tawaful-Wada".


The menstruating woman and the woman with postnatal bleeding are not required to perform Tawaful-Wada". However, concerning the person who is unable, Tawaf is to be made while carrying him, and likewise, the sick person. This is due to the Prophet's statement:
"No one should leave until his last act is at the House (the Ka'bah)."

This is also due to what is confirmed in the two Sahihs from Ibn 'Abbas that he said: "The people were commanded to make their last act at the House (the Ka'bah), but the matter was lightened for the menstruating woman." The proof has come in another report which shows that the woman with postnatal bleeding is similar to the woman in menses, in that it is not obligatory for her to perform Taraful-Wada".

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 191-192

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