The Amount of Food Required for the Atonement of an Oath

The Amount of Food Required for the Atonement of an Oath

Question :

We know that the atonement for an oath is to feed ten. poor persons; the question is: "What is the amount of food for each poor person? And of what type is it?


The atonement for an oath is to feed ten poor persons or clothe them, or to free a slave. Whoever is unable to do. this must fast for three consecutive days. As for feeding the poor, it is with the average meal which the one who took the oath would feed to his own family. They may be fed it in his presence, either lunch or dinner, until they are satisfied, or he may give them food that is sufficient for one night. The amount of that is considered to be half a Sa' of rice or the like. As for clothing them, it must be with garments suitable for prayer.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Page 396

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