Stoning the large Pillar before Midnight and performing Tawaf without Purity

Stoning the large Pillar before Midnight and performing Tawaf without Purity

Question :

I am a Hajj pilgrim who stoned the large pillar before midnight, then I immediately went to the Haram (i.e., the Sacred Mosque) to perform Tawaful-Ifadhah. During this time I lost my Wudhu', so I completed my Tawaf, but due to the congestion around the standing place of Ibrahim, I was not able to offer the two Rak'ahs of Tawaf. Then I left the borders of the Sacred Area (i.e., the city of Makkah) and Mina and I did not return until after the Maghrib prayer. So, did I violate anything from the rites of Hajj, since my Hajj was a Hajj of Al-Ifrad?


Stoning the pillar before midnight is not permissible. Verily, the beginning of the time for stoning the pillar is after the middle of the night, before the day of Sacrifice, according to a group of the people of knowledge. So, it is not permissible to stone it before that.

Secondly, his Tawaf, if it was before midnight, it was also not correct. Even if it was after midnight, it was still not correct because he performed Tawaf without purity and broke his Wudhu' during the Tawaf. Therefore, in any case, he did not perform Tawaf according to the correct opinion. Thus, he must repeat the stoning and he must repeat the Tawaf after that, with the intention of Tawaful-Ifadhah and the intention of stoning the pillar on the day of 'Eid. His Tawaf in which he broke his Wudhu' is not sufficient for him. If he did not remember and he is not aware until after the times for stoning, he must slaughter an animal (as atonement), because he actually did not perform the stoning. Thus, he must slaughter an animal with the intention of (making up for) leaving off the stoning. He must perform the Tawaf at any time. Thus, he may perform Tawaf even if it is at the end of Thul-Hijjah or during Muharram or whenever he remembers, so that he can complete his Hajj. The animal is to be slaughtered in Makkah and distributed among the poor people of the Haram. And Allâh knows best.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 181-182

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