Should I repeat the Prayers for which I performed Tayammum?

Should I repeat the Prayers for which I performed Tayammum?

Question :

I was in a state of Janabah from the morning and I did not find any water, so I performed the prayers with Tayammum; in the evening I found water and performed Ghusl for Janabah. Am I required to repeat the prayers which I prayed with Tayаmmum?


You did not mention the reason why you could not find water. If you were in an inhabited area, such as a village or a town, then water would not usually be unavailable; even if it was cut off in one area, it would be found in others. In such a case, it is obligatory for one who is Junub or one who is in a state of major impurity to look for water, requesting it from one's neighbors or from the washrooms, or wells etc. Whoever prayed with Tayammum should therefore repeat it. However, if you were in the wilderness or the desert, then water would sometimes not be available there, so it would be allowed to perform Tayammum, having searched unsuccessfully in the nearby area for water. But it would not be permissible to make Tayammum if there was water available in excess of one's (other) needs or it was near enough to obtain. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 76

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