Rules Governing the Use of Contraceptive Pills

Rules Governing the Use of Contraceptive Pills

Question :

When is it permissible for a woman to use contraceptive pills? And when is it forbidden to her? And is there any clear evidence or opinion of the scholars of jurisprudence regarding birth control? And is it permissible for the Muslim to withdraw during sexual intercourse without a reason?


What is incumbent upon the Muslims is to increase births as much as they can, because that is the command the Prophet gave us in his words:

"Marry productive, loving women, because I will have the largest number of followers on the Day of Resurrection."

And because increasing births means increasing the size of the Muslim community, and increasing the size of the community.

leads to increasing its might and power, as Allah, Most High said, strengthening thereby the Children of Israel:
"and made you more numerous in man-power."

and Shu'aib said to his people:
"And remember when you were but few, and He multiplied you."

And no one doubts that an increase in the size of the community is a cause of its might and power. This is contrary to what those with a bad opinion (of Allah) imagine, that an increase in the size of the community causes poverty and hunger. Verily, if the community increases in number and depends upon Allah, the Almighty, the All-Powerful, and believes in His Promise in His Words:
"And no moving (living) creature is there on earth but its provision is due from Allah."

- for Allah will make their affairs easier and enrich them from His Bounty. Based upon this, it is clear that the answer to the question is that it is not appropriate for a woman to use contraceptive pills unless two conditions are fulfilled:

The first condition: That there is a need for it, such as her being ill and unable to tolerate being pregnant every year, or frail of body, or there are some other harmful obstacles to her being pregnant every year.

The second condition: That her husband permits her to do so, because the husband has the right over the children and birth. Likewise, a doctor must also be consulted about these tablets, as regards to whether or not they will harm her. If the two aforementioned conditions are fulfilled, then there is no objection to using these tablets, but in a manner which excludes permanent contraception; that is, that she does not use contraceptive tablets always, because this would cause a cutoff of birth.

As for the second part of the question, the answer to it is that it is impossible to restrict birth, since being pregnant or not being pregnant is a matter which is completely in Allah's Hand-the Almighty, the All-Powerful. Secondly, if a person limits his children to a certain number, that number might be afflicted by a disease which kills all of them in one year, then there would remain no children for him nor any offspring. Likewise, limiting children is a matter which is not mentioned in the Sunnah as part of the Islamic Law. But contraception is confined to cases of necessity, based upon what was mentioned in the answer to the first part of the question.

As for the third part of the question relating to withdrawal without cause when having sexual intercourse, the correct opinion from among the sayings of the scholars is that there is no objection to it, based upon the Hadith of Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him: "We used to practise coitus interruptus while the Qur'an was (still) being revealed."

That is, during the lifetime of the Prophet and if this action was unlawful, Allah would have forbidden it. However, the scholars say that a man should not withdraw from a free woman except with her permission: That is, he should not withdraw from his free wife except with her permission, because she has a right to have children. Also, by practicing withdrawal without her permission, he reduces her enjoyment, because a woman's satisfaction is not achieved until after ejaculation. Accordingly.

in (withdrawal) without her permission, there is a loss of complete satisfaction for her and loss of children, therefore we make it conditional upon her approval.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 325-326-327

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