He Has Doubts About His Wife Because of the Children's Lack of Resemblance (to Him)

He Has Doubts About His Wife Because of the Children's Lack of Resemblance (to Him)

Question :

I am a married man whose wife has borne him six children, but after this, I have doubts about her good behavior, because of some of the children's lack of resem- blance to me. Is this considered a cause for doubting her, or not? And what should I do?


If your wife has given birth to a child whose resemblance necessitates doubt, you should not pay any attention to it, because it has been confirmed in the Two Sahihs that a man came to the Prophet and said: "O Messenger of Allah! My wife has given birth to a black boy..." and the man and his wife were not of this color, so he was revealing the doubt in his mind The Messenger of Allah said to him:
"Do you have any camels?"

He said: "Yes." The Prophet said:
"What are their colors?"

He said: "Red." The Prophet said:
"Are there any among them that are brown?"

He said: "Yes." The Prophet said:
"So from where did they get this?"

The man said: "Perhaps they inherited it." The Prophet said:
"(Likewise,) perhaps this son of yours inherited it."

So you do not know it might be that this likeness among your children which surprised you is from your forefathers or your wife's forefathers. So do not pay it any heed and seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan. And as long as your wife is righteous and honorable, you should not harbor doubts about her.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Page 189

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