Ghusl under a Shower is Sufficient

Ghusl under a Shower is Sufficient

Question :

I would like to know, in a clear simple manner, the correct way to perform Ghusl due to Janabah ... as I have heard of many different methods, so please clarify ... and is Ghusl under a shower sufficient or not?


The description of the complete Ghusl is: Make the intention, then mention Allah's Name, then wash the hands three times, then wash the private parts and any traces of sperm on the body, then perform complete Wudhu'. Then begin Ghusl, which is to wash the head three times, making sure the water reaches to the roots of the hair, then wash the rest of the body, beginning with the right side, then the left side, rubbing the skin, and wiping with the hand over as much of the body as possible.

Ghusl under a shower is sufficient, covering all of the body with water, even if only once.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 75

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