Getting Together to Supplicate After Completing the Entire Qur'an

Getting Together to Supplicate After Completing the Entire Qur'an

Question :

When some people finish reading the Qur'an, they gather their relatives or friends to supplicate together, as a group, so that they may all share in the reward for finishing the Qur'an either by supplicating with the invocation related from Shaykh-Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah or with other invocations like those written at the end of the Mushaf under the title "Supplication for Completion of the Qur'an." Is it permissible, then, to gather for this purpose, whether it is at the end of Ramadhan or at any other time? Is such a gathering considered to be an innovation (Bid'ah)? And is there a specific supplication the Messenger of Allâh ﷺ would say when he would finish the Qur'an?


As far as we know, there is no evidence to support a specific invocation for this purpose. One may supplicate as he pleases, choosing a supplication that is beneficial - like asking forgiveness for his sins, asking for Paradise, asking to be protected from the Fire, seeking refuge from Fitnah asking to be guided to understand the Qur'an, in a manner that will please Allah Almighty and make one act according to it and memorize it etc. This is because it is confirmed that Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, would gather his family and supplicate upon completion of the Qur'an. However, I know of nothing regarding this issue that is related from the Prophet ﷺ.

As for the invocation that is ascribed to Shaykh-Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, I don't know that this is correctly attributable to him; even so, it is an invocation that is well-known and well- received among our scholars, although I have not found it in any of his writings. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 23-24

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