Forgiveness, Blessings & a Spacious Home
Category: Dua and Dhikr

Dua for Forgiveness, Blessings and a Spacious Home

✨ اَللّٰهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِيْ ذَنْبِيْ ، وَوَسِّعْ لِيْ فِيْ دَارِيْ ، وَبَارِكْ لِيْ فِيْمَا رَزَقْتَنِيْ.

O Allah, forgive my sins, make my home spacious and bless me in what You have granted me.

Transliteration :

Allāhumma-ghfir lī dhambī, wa wassiʿ lī fī dārī, wa bārik lī fīmā razaqtanī.


Saʿīd al-Jurayrī narrates that he heard ʿUbayd b. al-Qaʿqā’ (raḍiy Allāhu ‘anhu) speaking to man from Banu Hanzalah who said: “A man stared at the Prophet ﷺ while he was performing salāh. He ﷺ then started saying [the above] in his salāh.” (Ahmad 16599)

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Category: Dua and Dhikr
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