Custom and Tradition

Custom and Tradition

Question :

When some people in religious circles want to speak about society following the precepts of Islam, they sometimes say the expression, "Which is in accordance with Islamic traditions and customs." I have heard some scholars refuting this phrase, while others permit it. The former group says that the enemies of Islam have inserted this phrase, while the latter says that this phrase is acceptable because it indicates the Muslim's submission to the commandments of his Lord. Please clarify this issue.


Islam itself is not a medley of customs and traditions, but it is rather revelation from Allah Almighty to His Messenger , Muhammad ﷺ. When Muslims follow one of the Prophet's manners, that manner becomes a part of them. Every Muslim knows that Islam is not a way of life derived from custom and tradition neither in matters of faith nor in matters of worship. But the phrase you mentioned and others similar to it have become commonplace in the media or in certain circles. For the most part, people say this phrase sincerely, intending the meaning of submission to the precepts of Islam, a meaning for which they deserve approval. Yet they should choose their phrases carefully, saying only that which is clear, that which does not give the impression that Islam is a collection of customs that we inherited from our forebears. Thus rather than saying, "Which is in accordance with Islamic customs and traditions," we should say, "Which in accordance to the Shari'ah of Islam and to its just precepts." It is not enough for a Muslim to have a sincere intention alone, but he must also be clear in what he says, which is why we should avoid the confusing phrase mentioned and all other phrases that cause misunderstanding. When we find substitute in a clear phrase, we are not excused to stick to what is unclear.

May Allah send peace and blessings on Muhammad, his family, and his Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 327-328

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