Cheating On Exams

Cheating On Exams

Question :

What is the ruling for cheating on exams?


All praise is for Allah, Lord of the Worlds. And may Allah send his peace and blessings on our Prophet Muhammad , on his family, and on all of his Companions.

I think that the question forebodes what the answer will be because the questioner, having used the word cheating, admits that this practice is in fact cheating. The verdict on cheating is clear, for the Prophet ﷺ said:
"Whoever cheats, is not from us."

Cheating on a test is a worse wrong than cheating in financial matters, which was the case in the Hadith because cheating on a test affects the entire Muslim Nation. A student who gets his degree by cheating is preparing himself for a position, a position that his degree qualifies him to take. And because he does not deserve that degree, he is bringing about harm to society. Another harm that accompanies cheating is the low quality of thinkers and scholars that will result; if our best minds have graduated through cheating, they will have very little knowl- edge, making them depend on others. If students succeed in their studies through cheating, how will they be able to compete with students from other countries in terms of knowledge and skill? Furthermore, students who cheat are deceiving their country, a country that has to take appropriate measures to stop the spread of cheating in its schools. Allah Almighty says:
"O you who believe! Betray not Allah and His Messenger, nor betray knowingly your trusts. And know that your possessions and your children are but a trial and that surely with Allah is a mighty reward."

There is no difference in this regard between cheating in one subject and another, between Tafsir and English for example, because both involve the student climbing from one level to the next. For my part, I deem our youth to be far above this vile practice. I further advise them to work hard and struggle for their degrees, so that they can be deserving of them; this is better for them in their religion and in their worldly affairs.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 122-123

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