You are not required to perform the Prostration of Forgetfulness
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

You are not required to perform the Prostration of Forgetfulness

Question :

I always pray, but I always forget and am in doubt over how many Rak'ahs I have prayed and how many remain, for this reason, I often make the prostration of forgetfulness - is this permissible?


You must take care to be attentive in your prayer and make sure that your heart is in it, and there is no requirement to perform the prostration of forgetfulness simply due to the whispering of one's self. If you are in doubt over whether you have left out a Rak'ah or some (other) pillar, then perform it in order to be sure, and make the prostration of forgetfulness.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 280

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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