Whoever abandons Fasting intentionally, then he repents, does he make up for the Days?

Whoever abandons Fasting intentionally, then he repents, does he make up for the Days?

Question :

What is the ruling on the Muslim upon whom many months of Ramadhan pass over a number of years and he does not fast, even though he performs the rest of the obligations? He lives away from his homeland and there is nothing hindering him from fasting. Is he obligated to make up for the fasts if he repents or returns to his land?


Fasting Ramadhan is a pillar from the pillars of Islam, and the responsible person intentionally abandoning the fast is from the greatest of the major sins. Some of the people of knowledge hold the view that he is a disbeliever and he has apostatized by that. He must make sincere repentance and increase his performance of righteous deeds, such as voluntary acts of worship. He must strictly guard the laws of the religion, such as prayer, fasting, Hajj, Zakah and other things. He does not have to make up for the fasts according to the most correct view between the two opinions of the scholars, because his crime is too great to be fixed by making up for the days. And success is from Allah. May Allâh send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 312-313

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