Tranquility is an obligation that must be present in the Prayer

Tranquility is an obligation that must be present in the Prayer

Question :

We have an Imam of a Masjid who rushes extremely fast in the Tarawih prayer. We are not able to supplicate or glorify Allâh or even concentrate with humility during this great opportunity. Along with this, he only recites the first Tashahhud (up to), "I testify that none has the right to be worshiped but Allâh and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger." He says that this is sufficient and he does not send blessings upon the Prophet, which he says is (only) an extra addition. In reference to the Verses, he does not recite more than a Verse or two. We hope that you can give some advice, and may Allâh reward you with good.


What is legislated for the Imams in the Tarawih prayer and the obligatory prayers is tranquility, slow rhythm in recitation and humility in bowing, prostrating, standing completely after bowing and between the two prostrations. This applies to all of the prayers, both the obligatory and the voluntary ones. Tranquility is an obligation that must be present. Whoever does not fulfill it, then his prayer is nullified. This is due to what is confirmed in the two Sahihs that the Prophet saw a man praying without tranquility in his prayer. Hence, the Prophet ordered him to repeat the prayer and he directed him to the obligation of tranquility in his bowing, prostrating, standing after bowing and between the two prostrations. What is legislated for the Imams is that they recite with slow rhythm and that they have humility in the recitation. This is so that they may benefit and those who are praying behind them may benefit from their recitation. This is also so that they may move the hearts with the recitation causing them to be humble to their Lord and turn to Him. It is obligatory upon the Imams and those who are being led in prayer to send blessings upon the Prophet with the prayer of Ibrahim after the two Testimonies of Faith and before the Tasleem. This is because the command to do so has been confirmed from the Prophet. A group of the people of knowledge holds the view that it is obligatory. Thus, it is not permissible for the Imams and those who are being led in prayer to oppose the pure Islamic law in the prayer or in anything else. It is legislated for everyone who prays, whether an Imam or someone being led or someone praying by themselves, to seek refuge with Allâh from the torment of Hell, the torment of the grave, the trials of life and death, and the trial of the False Christ. This is to be said after sending prayers upon the Prophet and before the Tasleem. This is because the Messenger used to do that and he ordered the Ummah to say this supplication. It is recommended to say extra supplications before closing with the greeting of peace. An example is the famous supplication that the Prophet advised Mu'ath bin Jabal to say at the end of every prayer, which is:
"O Allah, help me to remember You, be thankful to You, and to perfect Your worship."
And success is from Allâh.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 318-319

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