Train Yourself To Obey Allah Almighty
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

Train Yourself To Obey Allah Almighty

Question :

How do I start a new, clean life? And what is the punishment one receives for not praying?


First, you must have a good intention, determining to do good deeds and to stay away from sins. Second, you should keep company with the righteous: carefully choose those friends whom you spend time with, whether that time is spent in the day or night, leisure time or study time, in your home town or when making a trip abroad.

Third, you should train yourself not only to pray, but also to pray all obligatory prayers in the Masjid, to pray extra voluntary prayers, to remember Allah Almighty, and to invoke Him. Fourth, break off ties with those that are foolish, those that invite you to sin. And guidance lies with Allah Almighty.

As for not praying, it is an act of disbelief, a fact that has been related in a Hadith. Although some scholars differentiate between a person who outright denies that the prayer is compulsory and between a person who is just plain lazy, the texts regarding this issue clearly declare him a disbeliever. And Allâh Almighty knows best.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7 Pages 264-265

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 7