This Woman is Unrelated to You
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

This Woman is Unrelated to You

Question :

I am a man of f forty-eight years of age and I was afflicted by illness and I have no wife, but I have a colleague and a friend at work who is a Muslim; and I was in need of help. and care, so this friend helped me by transferring me to his house, and his wife is a religious Muslim, who reads the Qur'an and she took care of me while I was ill. Then when I was well and Allah, Most Glorified, Most High had cured me -all praise be to Him forever I wanted his wife to be a sister to me, for I have no sisters at all. So we placed the Book of Allah in our hands and vowed upon Allah's Book that this woman was my sister and was forbidden to me in all circumstances. All of this took place with the agreement of her husband and all of her sons and daughters and the agreement of my family. So now I consider her to be my true sister. Is it right for me to hold her hand and is it right for me to be a Marham for her during the Hajj, when most of my family and her family are aware of this matter? I request a reply as to what the legal Islamic ruling is.


Whatever services your friend and his wife rendered for you, you are not a Marham for his wife because of that deed she is unrelated to you. A person can only be a Marham due to family ties, fostering or relationship by marriage within clear limits defined by the texts of the Islamic Law. It is not permissible for you to touch her with your hand or with any of your limbs, nor is it correct for you to be a Marham for her on the journey to Hajj or any other journey. And it is forbidden for you to be alone with her, even if she allowed it and her husband and her family approved. Your situation with her is the same as your situation with any woman who is unrelated to you. The only right which she, her husband and her family have upon you is that you thank therh and reward them for the service they rendered to you by physical help in work, giving money and good treatment, advice and guidance and other such deeds which are at your disposal and within your ability to perform, and of which they are in need. And may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, Muhammad and upon his family and Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 219-220

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings