These People assume Ihram from their Residences

These People assume Ihram from their Residences

Question :

Last year I went to Jeddah to visit some relatives and after staying there a number of days, I made intentions to perform Hajj. So, I assumed Ihram from the Miqat of Jeddah and I went for Hajj. Then, one of the brothers informed me that I had passed the Miqat and that I had to slaughter an animal. Is this statement correct, while knowing that I went to Jeddah from Ar-Riyadh for a visit and I did not intend to perform Hajj? Please give us a ruling. May Allah reward you with good.


If you did not intend to perform Hajj when you came from Ar-Riyadh and you only made the intention for Hajj while you were in Jeddah, your Thram is correct. You do not have to perform a sacrifice. This is due to the Prophet's statement when he designated the Mamaqit:
"They are for them and whoever passes by them from other than their people, from those who intend to perform Hajj and Umrah. And whoever is closer than that (to Makkah), then his place of assuming Ihram is from where he begins. Even the people of Makkah assume Ihram from Makkah."

This Hadith is agreed upon.
The people of Jeddah are included in this Hadith, as well as the people of Ummus-Salam, the people of Bahrah and whoever is similar to them from those who live outside the Haram but inside of the Mawaqit boundaries. When these people intend to perform Hajj or 'Umrah, they assume Ihram from their residences. And success is from Allâh.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 124-125

إقرأ المزيد :

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