The Whispering (of Satan) regarding Urine
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Whispering (of Satan) regarding Urine

Question :

Excellency Shaikh, after I finish urinating, some drops of urine trickle out and this problem has afflicted me for five months, so I went to the hospital, but without benefit, so I pray the (five) prayers in this state. Should I pray, or not? And what should I do? Guide me, may Allah reward you.


My brother, first of all, you should take great care with your purification; make ablution half an hour or so before the time of prayer, after having urinated and the drops of urine have stopped, in the hope that it will have stopped before the time of prayer becomes due.

Secondly, after each urination, you must wash your pubic area with cold water, which will stop the urination and help to eliminate doubt and suspicion. After performing Istinja', you must sprinkle your pants and your garments with water, so that Satan does not cause you to suspect, if you see any wetness, that it is from urine, since it is likely that it is the water which you sprinkled on your clothes. However, if dribbling of urine continues following or after urination, and does not stop for hours, then it is incontinence, and the ruling for that is the same as that of one whose problem is continuous, and he should not make ablution until after the time for prayer becomes due. He must make ablution for every prayer, and what comes out during the prayer time, after making ablution, will not harm him, even if it gets on his clothes or his body, after he has taken all possible measures to preserve his purity and cleanliness. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 29-30

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
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