The virtue of the month of Shaban
الفئة: islamic articles

The virtue of the month of Shaban

Muslims ignore the worshiping of Allah in the month of sha'ban because they do not know what is going on at the heavens in front of Allah (SWT) during this month. As we know that everything has end, even the new system of any government or organization should receive reports of employers every day, week, month, and in the end of every year they make the final report.

Allah (SWT) has appointed some of his angels to write down the rewards of our deeds second by second as Allah informed us in Al-Qur'an: (But verily, over you are appointed angels, in charge of mankind to watch you,* Kiraman (honorable) Katibin writing down (your deeds)* they know all what you do). And he said: (Or do they think that We do not hear their secrets and their private counsel? (Yes We do) and Our Messengers (appointed angels in charge of mankind) are by them, to record.).

The best examples are for Allah Almighty, as people write reports and transfer them to their supervisors, the angels also write reports then transfer them to Allah (SWT) weakly and annually. The evidence of that is what Abou Huraira reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: (deeds are represented to Allah on Mondays and Thursdays, and I like my action to be represented while I'm fasting). The evidence is this discussion; (Usama Ibn Zayd asked the Prophet (SAW) why I see you fast during the month of Sha'ban more than any other months? The Prophet (SAW) said: people have headless during this month because it is in between Rajab and Ramadan, and deeds are represented to Allah during the month of Shaban). Which we think it is annually reports.

For the night of 15th of Sha'ban as if today, has a special subject as the Prophet (SAW) said: (Allah looks at his creation in the night of 15th of Sha'ban, so he forgives the sins of all of them except for who is polytheist and who has enmity toward Muslims out of religious reason).

It is a big opportunity to show Allah our good deeds during this month and start Ramadan with worshiping Allah purely.

The scholars of Islam warn Muslims to copy some people who treat the night of 15th of Sha'ban as if it is a special night and gather themselves in the Masjid and make extra of worshiping Allah (SWT), they depended on some of weak or false hadeeth, but the truthful which we cannot doubt of it is the fasting of this night because it is one of the three days which the prophet recommended Muslims to fast.

If your tradition is to pray at night, to read Qur'an and to worship Allah this night at your home there is no problem for that because it is a part of the sunna of the Prophet (SAW).

What can we learn from this khutba?

  1. The month of Sha’ban is an important month in Islam because the prophet (SAW) warned Muslims from the heedless during it.

  2. It is likeable for Muslims to fast the most of the month of Sha’ban as the prophet (SAW) used to do.

  3. The month of Sha’ban is the month of the annual report of our deeds which angels raise up our deeds to Allah (SWT). So perfect your deeds.

  4. Fasting on 15th of the month of Sha’ban is a sunnah when you intend to follow the Sunna of the prophet (SAW).
    When you do something out of the Sunnah of the prophet in this night like gathering together at the mosque for a special recitation of Quran or standing for the prayer at night to gain the blessing of this night only, be sure this is an innovation, because the prophet did not specify any extra good deeds at the night of the half of the month of Sha’ban.

  5. إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: islamic articles