The Two Sermons of the 'Eid Prayers are a Sunnah and the Imam should sit between them

The Two Sermons of the 'Eid Prayers are a Sunnah and the Imam should sit between them

Question :

In the Khuthah of the two Eid prayers, is there any sitting between the two sermons?


The two sermons of the 'Eid prayers are a Sunnah and they are after the 'Eid prayer, according to the narrations of An-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah and Abu Dawud, on the authority of 'Ata', from 'Abdullah bin As-Sa'ib, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: I attended the 'Eid prayer with the Prophet and after completing the prayer, he said:
"We will deliver a Khutbah, so whoever wants to sit for the Khutbah, let him sit for it and whoever wishes to go, let him go."

Ash-Shawkani - may Allah have mercy on him - said in Nail Al-Awtar: "In it is evidence that the Khutbah is a Sunnah, for if it were obligatory, it would be obligatory to sit for it."

And it is prescribed for the one who delivers the Khutbah in 'Eid to divide it into two by sitting in between them for a short while, in analogy with the two Khutbahs in the Friday prayer, and in accordance with the narration of Ash-Shafi'i - may Allah have mercy on him - on the authority of 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah bin 'Utbah, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: "The Sunnah is for the Imam to deliver the Khutbah in the two Eids in two parts, dividing them by sitting between them."

Some of the scholars held the view that there is only one Khutbah for the two Eid prayers, because the authentic Hadiths reported from the Messenger of Allah only mention one Khutbah. And Allah knows best. And may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, Muhammad and upon his family and Companions.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 472-473

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