The story of Muhammad ﷺ
The Year of the Elephant was the beginning of the life of someone we all love so much. His life is a very special story.It is called Seerah; the story of the life of Prophet MUHAMMAD !!!
Abdullah Marries Aminaha
In the Year of the Elephant, there were two wonderful families living in Makkah. One was the Abdul-Muttalib family, and the other was the Wahb family.Abdullah was the son of Abdul-Muttalib, and he was the youngest and most loved son. Aminah was the daughter of Wahb, who was a kind man in Makkah.Aminah was a great and sweet young lady. Abdullah wanted Aminah to be his wife, because and her family were so good and kind. Aminah and Abdullah got married that year.
Abdullah Dies
A few months later, Abdul-Muttalib sent his son Abdullah to buy some dates from Yathrib, a small town not very far north of Makkah. On his way back, Abdullah became very sick. Soon after that, Abdullah died. Aminah became very sad and missed her husband very much.
Muhammad is Born!
One night, Aminah dreamt that a great light came out of her, and lightened up all of Arabia!!! She also dreamt that a sweet voice was telling her, "You are bearing a great boy. When he is born, name him Muhammad." A few months later, our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was born!
As you see, Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ father died even before he was born. Isn't that so sad for Aminah and Baby Muhammad ﷺ? We should be thankful to Allah that we have our parents!
Baby Muhammad With Haleemah
When Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was a few months old, his family sent him to the desert to live with a nice lady named Haleemah.
Why was he sent to the desert away from his family?
Babies of noble families in Makkah were sent to live their first years in the desert.There, they could breathe the clean and pure air, eat healthy food, and grow strong. Also, people who lived in the desert spoke beautiful Arabic, so these babies learned to speak good Arabic as they grew up.
Muhammad ﷺ brought Haleemah's family many blessings. Haleemah took good care of him. She taught him to be nice boy. Muhammad ﷺ always kept himself nice and clean. Muhammad ﷺ was loved very much by Haleemah and her family. He also had many friends because he was so friendly and kind.
See how nicely the Prophet acted, even when he was a small , Allah wasshowing us how we shouldno matter how old we are.
Always be nice and kind with your friends, so they will be nice and kind with you. Treat them like your brothers and sisters.
Muhammad in the Desert
For five happy years, Muhammad ﷺ lived with Haleemahand her family in the desert. He grew up withHaleemah's children, and they were always good to eachother. They all loved each other very much.
Young Muhammad ﷺ brought Haleemah's familymany blessings, because they took such good care of Muhammad ﷺ. Allah gave them more food, morewater, and the sheep gave more milk. Haleemah wasvery happy with Muhammad ﷺ and took good care ofhim. She taught him to be a very good boy.
Muhammad ﷺ Returns to Makkah
When he was six years old, Muhammad ﷺ returned to his mother and grandfather in Makkah. Even though he was sad about leaving Haleemah and her family,young Muhammad ﷺ was very excited to live with his mother and grandfather again.
Aminah Dies
The Prophet's grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib understood how sad and hurt young Muhammad ﷺ felt, and he took good care of him. Abdul-Muttalib cared very much for his grandson. He knew that Muhammad ﷺ would grow up to be a very special person, and he treated Muhammad ﷺ in a very nice way.
Abdul-Muttalib loved Muhammad ﷺ so much that he even let Muhammad ﷺ sit on his mat. None of Abdul-Muttalib's own children were allowed to sit on his mattress, only around it.But the Prophet's grandfather insisted that Muhammad ﷺ sitright next to him on his mattress.
Abdul-Muttalib Dies, Too
The Prophet made his grandfather proud of him,because he was a very polite boy. However, Abdul-Muttalib was getting old, and he died when Muhammad ﷺ was eight years old. Now Muhammad ﷺ had also lost his grandfather.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was so sad about losing his grandfather, but Allah helped him through all his troubles.
Surat-ul-Duha 93
﴿وَالضُّحىوَاللَّيلِ إِذا سَجىما وَدَّعَكَ رَبُّك وَما قَلىوَلَلآخِرَةُ خَيرٌ لَكَ مِنَ الأولىوَلَسَوفَ يُعطيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرضىأَلَم يَجِدكَ يَتيمًا فَآوىوَوَجَدَكَ ضالًّا فَهَدىوَوَجَدَكَ عائِلًا فَأَغنىفَأَمَّا اليَتيمَ فَلا تَقهَروَأَمَّا السّائِلَ فَلا تَنهَروَأَمّا بِنِعمَةِ رَبِّكَ فَحَدِّث﴾ [الضحى: ١-١١]
[1] Wadduha
[2] Wallayli itha saja
[3] Ma wadda'aka rabbuka wama qala
[4] Walal-akhiratu khayrul laka min-al-'oola
[5] Walasawfa yu'teeka rabbuka fatarda
[6] Alam yajidka yateeman faawa.
[7] Wawajadaka dallan fahada
[8] Wawajadaka 'aa-'ilan fa'aghna
[9] Fa'ammal-yateema fala taqhar
[10] Wa'ammassa-ila fala tanhar
[11] Wa'amma bini'mati rabbika fahaddith
[1] By the bright morning
[2] And [by] the night when it covers [the world] with darkness
[3] Your Lord has not left you alone,
[4] And the Hereafter is better forthan the first [life].
[5] And your Lord is going to give to you, and you will be happy.
[6] Didn't He find you an orphan and give you a home?[7] And He found you lost, then He guided [you].
[8] And He found you poor and gave [you] wealth.
[19] So do not hurt the orphan.
[10] And do not yell at the poor person.
[11] Andothers about the gifts of your Lord.

Muhammad Becomes a Merchant
As Muhammad ﷺ became a young man, people loved him more and more. They started to call him As-Sadiq Al-Ameen, the Truthful, the Trusted. He was kind and honest in everything that he did.
When he was twenty-five,Muhammad ﷺ became a merchant. He sold goods with honesty.
Muhammad Solves a Problem
When the Prophet ﷺ was thirty-five, the people of the Quraysh tribe wanted to rebuild Al-Ka'bah.It had almost been ruined in a great flood. When they wanted to place Al-Hajar Al-Aswad, the Black Stone,in the right corner, fights broke out between the chiefs. They all wanted the honor of placing this holy stone in the right place. They began to fight for this job.
The oldest of the chiefs came up with a good idea. He proposed that the first one to enter the court yard would decide who would place the holy Black Stone.Allah made it so that Muhammad ﷺ would enter the masjid first. When he entered, everyone was happy that Muhammad ﷺ, was to make the decision! He was As-Sadiq AlAmeen, so they would trust what he said.
The Prophet ﷺ made the chiefs lay down a cloth next to the black stone, together. Then, he put the stone in the middle of the cloth. The chiefs lifted the cloth up together with the stone in the middle. The Prophet ﷺ was the one who put the stone in its place after it had been raised. With his solution, Muhammad ﷺ saved everyone from a very scary problem. They were all happy because they all helped put Al-Hajar Al-Aswad in the right place.
The happy marriage

Khadeejah رضي الله عنها was a very noble lady. She came from a very good family, and she acted in a very nice way.She had been married once, but her husband had passed away. Khadeejah was also a very hard worker.
Hard work pays off. Khadeejah رضي الله عنها was very successful and rich.Allah helps hardworkers.
Khadeejah رضي الله عنها had very great manners and character.Many men wanted to marry her. She did not want to marry any of these men. She wanted someone special.
Khadeejah رضي الله عنها asked Muhammad ﷺ to go to Syria on a business trip. When he came back, she was surprised. He made so much money for her! Allah had given her great blessings.Muhammad ﷺ had done a great job!
Khadeejah رضي الله عنها knew that Muhammad ﷺ was a very gentleman. He was more honest and truthful than her other working partners. Muhammad ﷺ also respected Khadeejah رضي الله عنها
very much. Khadeejah liked Muhammad ﷺ and wished to marry him. She sent a friend to talk to his family, and Muhammad ﷺ agreed to marry her. Later they got married, and loved eachvother very much.
Muhammad ﷺ was younger than his wife.He was only 25 when they were married, and she was 40.
Khadeejah and Muhammad ﷺ were always nice to each other. They helped each other out through hard times.Muhammad ﷺ respected his wife, and she respected him.
Did they have kids?
Together, Khadeejah and Muhammad ﷺ had fourdaughters and two sons;
1. Zaynab
2. Ruqayyah
3. Ummu Kulthum
4. Fatimah
5. Al-Qasim
6. Abdullah
The sad thing is that all of them died during the Prophet's ﷺ lifetime, except for Fatimah. Alhamdulillah they were all Muslim!
Muhammad ﷺ and Khadeejah were wonderful parents.They loved their children very much. Even as parents, they worked as a team.