The Sale or Rental of Video Tapes
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Sale or Rental of Video Tapes

Question :

What is the ruling regarding the sale or rental of videos, which at the very least, contain scenes of unveiled women and stories of passion and lust. Is the wealth of a person who deals in the sale of these videos unlawful, and what should that person do to rid himself of both the videos and the machines used to record them?


Since these videos both glorify and invite people to moral temptations and corruption, it is forbidden to watch or listen to them. In order to protect the Muslims, it is the obligation of whoever has these videos, to destroy them. And with Allah is the facilitation to do what is right.


All praise is due to Allâh alone, and may peace and blessings be upon the one whom there is no Prophet to come after him: The Permanent Committee for Scientific Researches and Religious Verdicts reviewed an address to the General Chairman from 'Abdullah Al-Ghamidi which came to the Committee from the General Trusts Office of the Office of Senior Scholars (no. 5123 dated: 5/14/1411H). The following is the question:

Question :

I own a video-rental store, in which Western, Indian, and Arabic films, are both sold and rented. Nearly all of these films contain partial nudity, mixing between men and women, music, women dancers, scenes of kissing, and glorification of crime. One day, a young man, who had a dignified appearance, came in and told me that not only was my trade unlawful, but also that I was destroying the values and principles of our beliefs and religion. He told me that I must rid myself of the store and of the videos contained therein. When I returned home, I decided to write to you since I trust you the most and since it is a consensus of the people that you are the most knowledgeable person today. As I am constantly oppressed by doubts, please respond quickly.


After the Committee reviewed the question, then the response is that the brother's advice was correct, you must rid yourself completely of all that is unlawful.

The Permanent Committee.
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 8 Pages 176-177

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings