The ruling on working in the Riba Establishments

The ruling on working in the Riba Establishments

Question :

Is it permissible to work in a Riba establishment, like as a driver or a security guard?


It is not permissible to work in the Riba establishments, even if the person is a driver or security guard. That is because his entering into a job with Riba establishments necessitates his approval of it. This is because whoever rejects something it is not possible for him to work for its benefit. Thus, if he works for its benefit, then verily he is approving of it. And the one who approves of something that is forbidden gets some of its sin. However, whoever deals directly with the recording, writing, sending, depositing and things similar to that, then there is no doubt that he is directly involved with the forbidden.

Indeed it has been confirmed from the Prophet that he said, or rather it is confirmed from a Hadith of Jabir that the Prophet cursed the person who devours Riba, the person who gives it, its witnesses and its writer, and he said:
"They are the same (in sin)."

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Pages 391-392

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