The Ruling on Wiping over the Socks and Praying in Shoes
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on Wiping over the Socks and Praying in Shoes

Question :

Is wiping over leather socks applicable to socks made from cotton, wool or nylon which are currently used? And what are the conditions for the acceptance of wiping over leather socks? And is it permissible to pray in shoes?


It is permissible to wipe over clean socks which cover (the foot completely), based upon what has been authentically reported from a number of the Companions, that they wiped over their socks. The difference between Jawarib and Khifaf is that the latter are made from leather, while the former are made from cotton and the like. Among the conditions for the acceptance of wiping over socks or leather socks, is that they cover the feet, and that they are worn while in a state of ritual purity, and that the wiping takes place over a period of a day and a night for the resident and three days and three nights for the traveller, beginning from the (first) time of wiping after having broken the Wudhu', in accordance with the authentic Hadiths which have been recorded in this regard. And it is allowed to pray in shoes that are free from any kind of pollutant (such as urine or feces), as the Prophet prayed in his shoes. (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim) And he was reported by Abu Sa'id, may Allah be pleased with him, to have said:

"If any of you came to the mosque, he should turn over his shoes, and if he sees any noxious thing in them, he should wipe it off and then pray in them.

However, if the mosque is carpeted, it is more prudent to leave them in a suitable place, or place one over the other between his knees, so that it does not dirty the carpet for the worshippers. And Allah is the Granter of success.

Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 102-103

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings