The ruling on whoever performed Tawaf and he did not perform Sa'y

The ruling on whoever performed Tawaf and he did not perform Sa'y

Question :

If someone who had to perform Sa'y made Tawaf and then left without performing Sa'y, and then he was informed after five days that he had to perform a Sa'y, is it permissible for him to perform Sa'y only without performing Tawaf before it?


If the person performs Tawaf while believing that he does not have to perform Say, then after that he is informed that he must perform a Sa'y, he only has to perform the Sa'y. There is no need for him to repeat the Tawaf. This is because continuation without a break is not a condition between Tawaf and Say. Even if it is given that the man left that off intentionally, meaning he delayed the Sa'y after the Tawaf intentionally, there is no sin on him. However, it is better that the Sa'y be done directly after the Tawaf.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Page 205

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