The Ruling on the Legal Profession
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on the Legal Profession

Question :

What is the ruling of the Islamic Law on the legal profession? And what is Your Eminence's opinion regarding the view of Imam Al-'Allamah Abu Al-A'la Al- Mawdudi-may Allah have mercy on him - regarding this profession expressed at the end of his book: Al-Qanun Al- Islami Wa Turuq Tanfeezihi.' Benefit us (with advice) and may Allah benefit you (with a reward).


According to my knowledge, there is no any objection to the legal profession. Because it involves appointing someone to act as one's representative in prosecution and defense. That is, if the lawyer pursues the truth and does not depend upon falsehood like other representatives.

As for the aforementioned words of Shaikh Abu Al-A'la Al- Mawdudi them. may Allah have mercy on him I have not read.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 6 Pages 442-443

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings