The Ruling on the Imamate of One Who is Unsure if He has broken Wind
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on the Imamate of One Who is Unsure if He has broken Wind

Question :

I am afflicted with a chronic disease of the colon and it causes the emission of gas, especially during prayer. Because of its frequent occurrence, I have begun to sniff during prayer, and even when I smell an odor from any other source, I imagine that it is from me. What should I do during the prayer, should I perform ablution when this doubt occurs? Is it permissible for me to act as the Imam, when the worshippers do not find anyone who can recite well?


Essentially, the state of purity remains (unless something occurs to invalidate it), so you should complete your prayer and pay no attention to the whispering (of Satan), until you know for sure that something has been emitted from you, either by hearing a sound, or smelling an odor. As the Prophet said, when asked about a man who finds something (has been emitted from him) in the prayer:
"He should not leave unless he hears a sound or smells an odor.

There is no objection in you leading the prayer, if you are the best of reciters present, so long as the breaking of wind is not continuous, but only affects you at times. And whenever the breaking of wind occurs, it invalidates the prayer, whether you are acting as Imam, being led in prayer or praying alone. And whenever the breaking of wind occurs while you are the Imam, you should appoint someone from among the congregation behind you to lead them in the rest of the prayer. We ask Allah's protection for us and you.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 406-407

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 9