The ruling on stoning the Pillars at Night and whoever leaves from Muzdalifah with the Women, is it permissible for him to stone before Midnight?

The ruling on stoning the Pillars at Night and whoever leaves from Muzdalifah with the Women, is it permissible for him to stone before Midnight?

Question :

Is it permissible to stone the three pillars at night during the days of At-Tashreeq for whoever does not have an excuse? Is it permissible for whoever leaves from Muzdalifah with the women and weak people during the night before the day of Sacrifice, after the middle of the night, to stone the pillar of Al-'Aqabah or not?


It is permissible to stone after sunset according to the correct view, but the Sunnah is to stone after midday and before sunset. This is what is better if that is easy. If it is not easy (i.e., possible), the person may stone after sunset according to the correct view.

Whoever leaves with the weak people and the women, such as the Mahrams, drivers and others, then his ruling is their ruling. It suffices him to stone during the end of the night with the women.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Pages 248-249

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