The ruling on spending the Night outside of Mina during the Days of At-Tashreeq

The ruling on spending the Night outside of Mina during the Days of At-Tashreeq

Question :

What is the ruling on spending the night outside of Mina during the days of At-Tashreeq, whether that was done intentionally or due to the excuse of not being able to find a place there? And when does the Hajj pilgrim begin leaving from Mina?


Spending the night in Mina is obligatory, according to the correct opinion, during the 11th night and the 12th night (i.e., the nights of the 10th and 11th of Thul-Hijjah). This is the view preferred by the researchers among the people of knowl- edge. This is obligatory upon the men and the women among the Hajj pilgrims. If they cannot find a place, then it is no longer obligatory on them and there is no sin on them. Whoever leaves it off without a valid excuse, he must slaughter an animal.

The Hajj pilgrim may begin leaving from Mina when he has stoned the pillars on the 12th day (of Thul-Hijjah) after midday. He has the permission to leave from Mina and if he delays (and stays) until he stones the pillars on the 13th day (of Thul-Hijjah) after midday, then that is better.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 4 Page 234

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