The Ruling on saying Aameen when the Imam supplicates on Friday

The Ruling on saying Aameen when the Imam supplicates on Friday

Question :

Is saying Aameen when the Imam supplicates after the Khutbah an innovation, that is, when the Imam makes Du'a' and we reply, saying: "Aameen" is this an innovation?


It is not an innovation to say Aameen when the Khatib supplicates during the Khutbah. If he begins to supplicate for the Muslims, then it is a preferred act to say Aameen to his supplication, but this should not be done in unison, nor in a loud voice. Rather, every person should recite individually and in a low voice, so that there is no annoyance or shouting. Each person should only say Aameen to the supplication of the Khatib quietly and apart from the others.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Page 477

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