The Ruling on Refusing to Give a Young Woman in Marriage so That She Can Complete Her Education
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on Refusing to Give a Young Woman in Marriage so That She Can Complete Her Education

Question :

There is a widespread custom, which is a young woman or her father refusing proposals of suitors, so that she can complete her high school or university education, or, so that she can study for a number of years. What is the ruling on this, and what is your advice to those who do it? And what is your advice to those who delay it such that the young women might reach the age of thirty or more without marrying?


The ruling on that is that it is contrary to the order of the Prophet, because the Prophet said:
"If one whose religion and character pleases you proposes to you, then marry (your daughter to) him."

And he said:
"O you young men! Those among you who have the means and the ability should marry, because it restrains the eyes (from evil glances) and preserves the private parts (from immorality)."

Refusing marriage causes loss of the benefits of marriage, so my advice to my Muslim brothers who are guardians of women and to my adult Muslim sisters is not to refuse marriage in order to complete their education or teaching. However, it is possible for a woman to make it a condition of marriage that she be allowed to continue her studies until she has completed them, and likewise to continue to teach for a year or two, as long as she is not busy with children and there is no objection to this. Although the idea of a woman progressing in university studies in subjects for which there is no need should be examined. I consider that if a woman has completed primary school level and is able to read and write sufficiently well to benefit from this knowledge in reading the Book of Allah, its explanation and recitation and the Hadiths of the Prophet and their explanation, then that is enough. Unless she is studying knowledge which is essential for the people, such as medicine and the like as long as there is nothing dangerous, such as mixing or other things.

Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 176-177

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings