The ruling on placing a Copy of the Qur'an on the Stomach of the Deceased
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The ruling on placing a Copy of the Qur'an on the Stomach of the Deceased

Question :

What is the ruling on reciting the Qur'an over the stomach? Also, are there a limited number of days for the offering of condolences, as it is said that it is only for three days? I hope for a beneficial reply from the Eminent Shaykh, may Allah reward him with good.


There is no sound basis for reciting the Qur'an over the deceased or over the grave. Rather, that is something that is not legislated. Actually, it is from the innovations. Likewise, placing the Qur'an on his stomach is a baseless practice and it is not legislated. Some of the people of knowledge have mentioned placing a piece of iron or something heavy on the deceased's stomach after his death only so that he does not swell up. In reference to the condolences, there are no restricted days for it. And Allâh is the Giver of success.

Ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaimin
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 3 Page 111

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings