The Ruling on One Who missed the Second Bowing in the Eclipse Prayer
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on One Who missed the Second Bowing in the Eclipse Prayer

Question :

Is it correct that the second bowing in the eclipse prayer is a Sunnah, and that the latecomer should not count it, so that if he misses the first Rak'ah, he should offer two complete Rak'ahs after the Imam's Taslim? Or is the second Rak'ah considered to be his first?


The correct opinion is that whoever missed the first bowing in the eclipse prayer should not count this Rak'ah and he should make up for it by performing bowing twice, because the eclipse prayer is an act of worship and acts of worship are fixed, therefore, one should limit oneself to what has been authentically reported from the authentic Hadiths regarding the manner of its performance.

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 321

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 23