The Ruling on Mixing Between Men and Women in Factories and Offices
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on Mixing Between Men and Women in Factories and Offices

Question :

What is the ruling of women working like men in factories or offices which are not Islamic? And what is the ruling on a Muslim woman faced with a life-threatening disease, whose treatment leads to her being disrobed in the aforementioned places, even if it be in Islamic countries, where the doctors are all men?


As for the ruling on the mixing of men and women in factories and offices when they are disbelievers in non- Muslim countries, it is not permissible, but there is something in them which is worse than that, which is their disbelief in Allah, All-Powerful, Most High. So it is not surprising that such detestable acts as these should occur among them. As for the mixing of Muslim men and women in Islamic countries, it is forbidden and it is incumbent upon those responsible in the places where mixing takes place, to work towards separating the men and women into different departments, because of the moral corrupting factors of mixing, which are well known to those with even the least perception. As for a man disrobing at woman for the purpose of treating her, if necessity warrants treatment and there is no one to treat her except a man, then it is permissible, but it should take place in the presence of her husband, if that is possible. If it is not, then there are women. from among her immediate family members, and she may not be disrobed except as is necessary for his examination of her body. And the basis of the permission for this is in the facilitation of the Islamic Law and the removal of difficulty from the (Muslim) community in cases of necessity, as in the Words of Allah, Most High:
"Allah does not want to place you in difficulty" and His Words:
"And [Allah] has not laid upon you in religion any hardship"

The Permanent Committee
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 143-144

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 5