The Ruling on keeping Company with Those Who do not pray and Those Who mock the Religion
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on keeping Company with Those Who do not pray and Those Who mock the Religion

Question :

1. Is it allowed for a Muslim person to keep company with another man who does not pray most of the time?


1. It is not permissible for a Muslim to keep company with such a person as this, who abandons prayer at times; rather, it is incumbent upon him to advise him and to censure him for his evil deed. If he repents (all well and good), but if he does not, he should be avoided and he should not be taken as a companion, and he should be hated for Allah's sake, until he repents of his wicked deed, because abandoning prayer is an act of major disbelief, according to the words of the Prophet:
*The covenant which is between us and them is the prayer, and whoever abandoned it has disbelieved.

Muslim narrated in his Sahih, on the authority of Jabir, from the Prophet that he said:
"Between a man and disbelief and Shirk is abandoning the prayer .

Thus, it is incumbent upon every Muslim to love for Allah's sake, to hate for Allah's sake, to offer friendship for Allah's sake and to show enmity for Allah's sake, based upon the Words of Allah, the Most Glorified:
Indeed, there has been an excellent example for you in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their people: "Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides' Allah; we have rejected you and there has started between us and you hostility and hatred forever until you believe in Allah Alone."

The case of such a person should be raised before the authorities, if he lives in a country where the Islamic law is implemented, so that he may be called upon to repent. And if he repents (well and good), but if he does not, he should be killed, because the punishment for one who abandons prayer and does not repent is death, as Allah says:

But if they repent and offer prayers perfectly (Iqamatus- Salat) and give Zakah, then leave their way free.

This Verse proves that whoever abandons prayer and does not repent should not be set free, rather he should be killed. And the correct view is that he is killed as a disbeliever, according to the two previous Hadiths and others and to the words of the Prophet

«Verily, I have been forbidden from killing those who pray.
This verse proves that whoever does not pray, it is not forbidden to kill him; in fact, he must be killed, if he does not repent, as this will deter (people) from committing this great sin. We ask Allah to improve the situation of the Muslims and make us and them firm upon his religion. Verily, He is All-Hearing, Ever Near (to all things).

Question :

I observe that many young men, when they see someone who guards strictly his prayers and his religion, they make fun of him, and I also see some young men may Allah guide them speaking of the religion recklessly and carelessly. What do you say about this, and is it permissible to sit and laugh with them at times when there is no prayer?


2. Making fun of Islam or any part of it is an act of major disbelief. Allah, the Most High says:

"Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after you had believed." (Surah At-Tawbah)

Whoever mocks the religious people and those who are steadfast in their prayers because of their religion and their strict abidance by it, is considered to have mocked the religion (itself) and it is not permissible to sit with them, nor to accompany them. Rather, they should be condemned and they and their companions should be avoided. Thus, those who treat religious matters with scorn and mocking are considered disbelievers and it is not permissible to accompany them nor to sit with them; instead they must be condemned and avoided, but encouraged to make sincere repentance. If they repent, then all praise and thanks be to Allah; but if they do not, then their case must be raised with the authorities after their evil actions have been confirmed by just witnesses, so that the judgement of Allah may be implemented in the Islamic courts.

In any case, these matters are very serious and require that every student of knowledge and every Muslim know his religion in order to be on his guard and to warn those who treat religious matters with scorn and mockery so that he not be afflicted by corruption of his faith and scorn for the truth and its followers.

We ask Allah to protect all of the Muslims from everything which contradicts His Law, and we ask Him, the Most Glorified, to save all of the Muslims from the evil of their enemies among the disbelievers and the hypocrites and that He help them to hold firmly to His Book, to Him and to the Sunnah of His Prophet in all of their affairs. Verily, He is Most Generous, Most Kind.

Ibn Baz
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 381-382-383-384

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings