The Ruling on Fajr Prayer after the First Athan
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on Fajr Prayer after the First Athan

Question :

Is it correct for me to perform the Fajr prayer after the first Athan? And is the time between the two Athans considered to be Fajr time, or is it only the time after the second Athan which is considered to be so?


Prayer is not correct until its time has begun and the time for Fajr begins at the start of dawn, which is the whiteness which appears in the eastern sky; therefore, whoever prayed before the start of dawn, his prayer will not be correct. The Athan is not a condition (for its acceptance), for if there were no Athan, prayer at the right time would be correct.

As for the Fajr prayer, some of the scholars have permitted its Athan being called before its time begins, that is, at the end of the night, but it must not be prayed until the time for it begins. Others say that its Athan should not be made before the time of the prayer begins except in Ramadhan, in order to wake the sleepers for Sahur and so that the one who is standing in prayer may return home, knowing that the time for Sahur has come, but it is not correct to pray until after the second Athan, which takes place at the time of prayer. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 312

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الفئة: Islamic Rulings