The Ruling on Combining the Prayers due to Studying

The Ruling on Combining the Prayers due to Studying

Question :

Sometimes I combine the 'Asr prayer and the Maghrib prayer, in fact, most times; and the reason for this is because of foreign studies, I mean that I am studying in Britain and there is no place to perform ablution, nor any place to pray in the University where I am studying. Is it permissible for me to pray Asr with Maghrib? Or is it permissible for me to delay offering the 'Asr prayer by about an hour and a half?


It is not permissible to combine two prayers without a valid excuse, such as continuous rain, uninterrupted travel, serious knowledge and the like. As for combining the prayers without an excuse, it is not permissible; and only the Zuhr and 'Asr prayers and the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers can be prayed at one time, advancing the second to the time of the first or delaying the first till the time of the second. It is not permissible to delay a prayer from its appointed time without a valid excuse, and the 'Asr prayer must be prayed early, as it is stated in a Hadith that whoever misses the 'Asr prayer, it is as if he had lost his family and his wealth.

Since the questioner has stated that there is nowhere in his place of work where he can perform the ablution or the prayer, he must pray as soon as he leaves, when the license is withdrawn; and he must hasten to pray before the sun sets, so whenever he can pray before that, he must do so immediately. And Allah is the Granter of success.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 437-438

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