The Ruling on combining the Maghrib and 'Isha' Prayers
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on combining the Maghrib and 'Isha' Prayers

Question :

After completing the Maghrib prayer, we immediately called the Iqamah for the 'Isha' prayer due to slight rainfall. After completing the prayer, I asked the Imam about this prayer and he answered that this was in order to make things easy for us because of the rain. He said that this prayer was correct. In view of the fact that the rain was light and that there was no announcement made to the worshippers, is this prayer correct?


Combining two prayers is permissible due to prolonged heavy rain which wets the clothes, especially if it is at night, the roads are dark, the cold is intense, and it causes difficulty to the Muslims, due to their inability to withstand the cold and such like, and especially if the roads are full of mud and mire and slipperiness.

It was in these circumstances that they (i.e. the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them) used to combine the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers.

But if the roads are wide and illuminated with electric lights all night and covered in asphalt, with no mud or mire or pools of sludge and filth therein, and the people are strong enough to deal with such things, or have means of transport, such as cars which can cover a long distance easily, without hardship, and they have sufficient means of protection against the cold, through layers of thick clothes, and if the rain is light, or it stops after a little while, as it usually does, then it is not permissible to combine the prayers in such circumstances, since the times (of the prayers) have been set, and it is not permissible to move the prayer from its time without evidence or an acceptable reason. And if combining the prayers becomes permissible, it is upon the Imam to inform the worshippers of it, but if he does not do so, there is no harm in it. And Allah knows best.

Ibn Jibreen
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 2 Pages 181

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 5