The Ruling on Coitus Interruptus
الفئة: Islamic Rulings

The Ruling on Coitus Interruptus ( Al-Azal)

Question :

What is the ruling on coitus interruptus, whether with an excuse or without an excuse?


Coitus interruptus with an excuse is permissible such as in time of war, while in enemy territory one feels the need to have sex, in the following conditions: 1. He can have sex with his wife and withdraw his penis before ejaculation, fearing that she does not get pregnant and in case of defeat in war go to enemy as slave-girl and the child will ultimately be borne slave. 2. He can have sex with his slave-girl not to get her prignant, so that he sell her. And the essence of this is in the Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari, on the authority of Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, in which he said: "We used to practice coitus interruptus in the time of the Messenger of Allah when the Qur'an was being revealed." He also narrated on the authority of Malik bin.

Anas, on the authority of Az-Zuhri, on the authority of Ibn Muhairiz, on the authority of Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said: "We acquired some (female) captives and we were practicing coitus interruptus and we asked the Messenger of Allah (about it) and he said:
He said it three times.
"Do you do it?"
"There will be no living person until the Day of Resurrection, except that it is written that it will be, and so it is created."

It was also narrated by Abu Dawud that a man said: "O Messenger of Allah! I have a slave girl and I practice coitus interruptus with her, because I dislike that she should become pregnant. But I want (from her) what men want from her; and the Jews say that coitus interruptus is the minor form of burying alive." He replied:
"The Jews told a lie, for if Allah wishes to create it, you would not be able to turn it away."

As for coitus interruptus without an excuse, it is permissible. with his slave girl without her permission. This was determined by Imam Ahmad and it is the view of Imams Malik, Abu Hanifah and Ash-Shafi'i. Because she (slave girl) has no rights regarding sexual intercourse, nor over the child. Likewise she has no right to request a share (of his inheritance) or financial provision, so that having no right to refuse coitus interruptus is more fitting.

As for his free wife, he may not practice coitus interruptus with her without her permission; and the essence of this is found in the Hadith narrated by Imams Ahmad and Ibn Majah, on the authority of 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: "Allah's Messenger forbade coitus interruptus with a free woman, unless with her permission." Al-Majd - may Allah, Most High have mercy on him said: "There is some doubt in its chain of narrators." and because she has a right regarding the child and there is harm for her in coitus interruptus, so it is not permissible without her permission.

Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah may Allah, Most High have mercy on him said: "The Mathhab of the four Imams is that it is permissible, if the woman allows it."

Abu Dauwd no. 2171.
Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 5 Pages 179-180

إقرأ المزيد :

الفئة: Islamic Rulings
people 6